With all of the choices available to homeowners today, shopping for a kitchen or bathroom countertop can seem daunting. There are various man-made surfaces, such as laminates, which are less expensive than other options, but which may need replacing within a few years. Wood, glass, stainless steel, concrete and ceramic tile are all attractive surfaces, and each has advantages and disadvantages. But the most popular countertops are stone slab.
Types of Stone Countertops
Some homeowners prefer marble because of its timeless elegance and luminous glow. A marble countertop is the ultimate in luxury and works well in bathrooms. Quartzite is a natural stone formed when sandstone and quartz are subjected to extreme heat and pressure. It’s a very hard substance and a great choice for a kitchen countertop for its durability. Soapstone is tough, non-porous and requires very little maintenance. Onyx has a translucent quality that resembles gemstone and works well when backlit but can be too soft for a kitchen. Onyx is a beautiful choice for a bathroom counter or a bar. Finally, granite is the number one choice for the kitchen. Granite is an ideal surface for the kitchen counter, island, or bathroom vanity. It is the best versatile choice in stone slab for your home. Beautiful and practical, it tops the list of countertop materials. Granite is tough and long-lasting and is also available in every color and pattern imaginable.
Shopping for Granite Slab
Visit premier stone suppliers to learn more about granite slab countertops. The best companies maintain fully air-conditioned showrooms for your shopping comfort. Add beauty and durability to your home!